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3 Examples of Advocacy That Can Change The World

Judie Stilman August 5, 2022

Advocacy— the word itself makes you feel better about the world, doesn’t it?

While supporting a particular cause or charity looks good, a strong advocacy campaign does a lot more than that. It can raise money, get a bill signed into law, and literally change lives. 

Let’s look at a few examples of advocacy and figure out how (and why) they were so successful. 


What is Advocacy?

The Alliance for Justice defines advocacy as “any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of others.”

Some examples of advocacy are:

  • A politician getting a bill passed
  • Animal activists protesting against  brands that do animal testing
  • A group of people raising awareness on an issue (e.g., Black Lives Matter and the MeToo movement)

There’s more than one way to measure advocacy. However, by and large, a successful advocacy program meets a tangible goal through consistent action. 

That might be a politician fulfilling their campaign promise to change a policy or a local fundraiser completely paying the medical bills of a sick child. What deems these advocacy programs “successful” is their ability to meet measurable milestones and demonstrate that the person (or cause) is capable of making real changes. 


3 Examples of Advocacy That Can Change The World

Join forces with others to amplify your voice

The truth is, being an advocate for something you care about is always a win. But we all want to see that our voices and actions make a difference.

So, how can you engate in advocacy to help garner enough success to change the world?

Here are three small (but mighty) types of advocacy that can make all the difference:

1. Stand Up

An example of advocacy is standing up for what you believe in. The best way you can do that? Write to your representatives.

We know, we know. You’ve heard this a thousand times. And yet, we’re betting that you still think this small action doesn’t do much in the grand scheme of things. 

Are we right?

Representatives take their cues from you. While they will have their own agendas based on core beliefs, it’s up to you and other everyday citizens to bring up issues that aren’t getting enough attention.

Here are some tips on what to write to your representatives and a resource on where to send your letter. 

You can also stand up and be an advocate by volunteering or donating money to your favorite cause.

2. Speak Up

Social networks offer spaces to share advocacy

When you’ve been advocating for a cause or belief for years, it can be draining. It’s hard to keep screaming into the void when it feels like no one is listening. 

While it may not seem like it’s making an impact, the BLM movement is one of the examples of advocacy that proves consistent education works. 

Sharing personal stories and reciting (particularly alarming) statistics do help people rethink their own core values and beliefs. 

Even if it doesn’t seem like much now, and though it may take years to get people to listen, advocacy through education is one heck of a motivator. 

Here are some examples of advocacy through education:

  • Peer-to-peer conversions: Speak your mind and show what you’ve learned when causes you’re passionate about come up. It’s essential to remain calm and level-headed during these talks. People won’t change their minds when they’re told they’re wrong or bad for their beliefs. These conversations have to be civil to be effective. 
  • Community events: Contact your local church, neighborhood association, student center, or Chamber of Commerce to ask how your cause can be involved. Set up a booth to spread awareness or offer to host a speaking event.
  • Social media: Take advantage of a powerful tool where we can collectively communicate and educate all in one place. By starting (or joining) social media communities, you can help to amplify important messages and points of view.

3. Show Up

Show up for the causes that are important to you

More than anything, when it comes to advocacy, actions always speak louder than words.

There’s strength in numbers, so find events that align with your cause or objective. This can be:

  1. Join or start a letter writing campaign
  2. Sign a petition
  3. Make a call to raise awareness
  4. Take part in a march or protest

In other words, step up! Taking action by physically showing up is what will lead to change. Donating time to a shelter may not solve homelessness, but it makes a huge impact on the lives of the people you’re helping. Be the person who turns their passion into action for a better world.


Still not sure what the best way for you to “show up”? Take this Generosity Quiz to find out!

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